Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now open for the ASM Maryland Branch annual Brown Awards and virtual presentation on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

Due to COVID concerns we cancelled our traditional spring poster session. However, we will still present Brown Awards for Outstanding Graduate and Outstanding Undergraduate abstracts at a virtual meeting December 7 at which the first place winners will each present a 25-minute talk on the research topic of their abstracts.
The J. Howard Brown Awards are presented to outstanding graduate and undergraduate students who are making contributions worthy of recognition in the field of microbiology. The award was established in 1954 in memory of J. Howard Brown of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine He became President of the Society of American Bacteriologists, the predecessor of the national ASM organization, in 1931. In 1934 he became President of the Maryland Society of Bacteriologists, which was an independent organization until it became an ASM branch in 1936.
The December 7 virtual meeting will NOT be a poster session, just the announcement of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Outstanding Graduate and Undergraduate award-winners followed by presentations from the two 1st-place winners. Note that all six awards include monetary prizes. Please spread the word to any students that may be eligible to compete for this prestigious award.
After the December 7 meeting the Maryland Branch will make a PDF available with a listing of titles, authors and institutions from all Brown Award-eligible abstracts accepted for the meeting. This PDF will serve as a record of participation suitable to reference in resumes and online professional profiles and will also indicate the six Brown Award winners. The abstracts themselves will NOT be in the PDF.
A zoom meeting invitation for the December 7 virtual meeting will be emailed to the membership or may be requested from the Branch at asmmaryland@gmail.com. Specific instructions for abstract submission are in the attached Virtual Brown Award Abstract Guidelines with Submission Form. The sequence of activities and timeline are as follows:
A submission form (click to download) is filled out by one of the abstract authors and deposited in the Abstract Submission Dropbox™ folder at https://www.dropbox.com/request/MZh6FVE6l0l2hwFep2xS by 5:00 PM Thursday December 2, 2021.
The Branch Board of Directors selects the Brown awardees and notifies the six winners by 9:00 PM Friday December 3.
The 1st-place winners have the weekend to prepare slide decks for their December 7 talks.
The December 7 virtual meeting begins with announcement of Brown award-winners during a brief business meeting form 7:00-7:15 PM, followed by the 1st-place Outstanding Graduate Student awardee’s presentation and then the 1st-place Outstanding Undergraduate Student awardee’s presentation.